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Rwanda Map

Rwanda: Land of a Thousand Hills

Geography and Location

Rwanda, officially the Republic of Rwanda, is a landlocked country nestled in the heart of the Great Rift Valley in Central Africa. Situated at the confluence of the African Great Lakes region and Southeast Africa, Rwanda occupies a strategic location.

Physical Characteristics

Rwanda's diverse landscape boasts towering mountains, lush rainforests, and sparkling lakes. It is aptly known as "le pays des mille collines" (the land of a thousand hills) due to its rolling hills that dominate its terrain. The country is home to several national parks, including the popular Volcanoes National Park, known for its endangered mountain gorillas.

Economic and Political Stability

Despite its turbulent past, Rwanda has emerged as a relatively stable East African country. Its economy has been growing steadily, driven by sectors such as tourism, agriculture, and mining. Rwanda's political landscape has also undergone significant transformation, with a focus on reconciliation and economic development.


Rwanda is easily accessible from neighboring countries Kenya and Uganda. The country boasts a well-developed infrastructure, including modern airports and roads, making it a convenient destination for tourists and business travelers alike.
